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Hungarian Flags to Northern Hungary / Slovakia

Hungarian flags fly again in Upper Hungary / Slovakiaupdated 10/7/2004 - Hungarian flags fly again in Upper Hungary / Slovakia... The American Hungarian Federation donated 6 Hungarian flags to the Slovakian Chapter of the World Federation of Hungarians (WFH). For years, Hungarian churches were not allowed to fly the Hungarian colors. Churches in Garamkövesd; Ebed, just accross the Danube by Esztergom; Ekecs in the Csallóköz; and Kassa (Kosice) where the The Church of the Hungarian Holy Cross (Nagymagyar Szt. Kereszt Katolikus Templom) serves seven communities.

The young "Hussars" seen here, who brought the flag to the church, are from the Sobiesky Memorial Hussar Regiment in Parkany. Julius Geonczeol, president of the WFH-Slovak Chapter, reported the flags upset some nationalist Slovaks who lobbied to remove the flag from the church. "But the Village was standing up like one behind the flag, since its their own and they will proudly defend their flag."

The oppressive Slovak "language purity law" is even affecting masses in purely Hungarian congregations. Today, young Hungarian priests are not allowed to serve in Hungarian communities. Young Hungarians are not welcomed at the Slovak held training facilities. Many Hungarians went to Hungary and were ordained to be priests, but the Slovak bishops did not allow them to return to the Hungarian villages. Slovak priest are placed into entirely Hungarian communities. These priests do not speak Hungarian and the masses are held in Slovak, with only a few words reluctantly uttered in Hungarian. This all has a ruinous effect on the Hungarian communities. The American Hungarian Federation hopes that recent Slovak accession to the European Union will temper such oppressive, apartheid-like, and unjust laws.

MORE flags are needed... PLEASE donate!

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