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News on Rumania's Csango Hungarians of Transylvania

UPDATE! 10/12/2005 - AHF Gala Dinner to Support Hungarian Schools in the Csango Regions of Transylvania raises $15,000.00. The gala fundraiser was held on October 8th, 2005 in East Brunswick, New Jersey! AHF was please to send 100% of these proceeds to Brother Csaba Bojte. More details are below.

9/10/2005 - AHF Gala Dinner to Support the Hungarian Schools in the Csango Region to be held on October 8th, 2005 in East Brunswick, New Jersey! The The event features a classical cultural program as well as dancing and will honor Brother Csaba Bojte, whose incredible work resulted in the establishment of eight homes for the abandoned Hungarian orphans in Transylvania. In May, he started building the first Hungarian School in the Csango Region, where the Romanian policy of destruction of Hungarian heritage is the strongest. Brother Csaba suggested that the building of the classrooms should be supported by donations of various Hungarian cities, showing solidarity and each classroom would bare a sign with the name of the donor city.

The 100 year-old American Hungarian Federation would like to be the first to dedicate a classroom in the name of Hungarians in America by providing the funding. The greatest Hungarian, Istvan Szechenyi said “We are not inferior to any nation.” We are confident that Hungarians in America will unite to fund a classroom, as a permanent tribute to the oppressed Hungarian children. We want to be an exemplary beacon of the solidarity of Hungarians to the thousands of Hungarian Csango students, as well as to the Hungarians all over the world.

Dinner tickets are $125.00 per person. Any donations over the price of the ticket will be very much appreciated and all such donations will be used exclusively for the erection of the classroom, and are fully tax-deductible. We will provide you with the appropriate receipt for income tax purposes and your name will be included on the donors’ list to be given to Brother Csaba when the gift is presented to him. We are able to provide you with reduce rates for hotel accommodations at the Hilton Hotel in East Brunswick at a cost of $109.00 for the night, as long as you call 1-732-828-2000 and reference the Hungarian Banquet.

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For more information, contact, Thomas Hilberth at thomas@thilberth.com.


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Articles and Essays by AHF Members

  • "NATO Enlargement" by Frank Koszorus Jr. March 29, 2004
    Remarks on the Occasion of the Enlargement of NATO, Corcoran Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C. [download]
  • "Nato Enlargement And Minority Rights: Prerequisites To Security" by Frank Koszorus, Jr., April 2003
    A memorandum that was submitted to Robert A. Bradtke, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs, and Heather A. Conley, Deputy Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs during a roundtable discussion on "NATO Enlargement and the Current State of the Trans-Atlantic Alliance." This submission follows several other intiatives, including submissions to Lord Roberston, Secretary General of NATO. [download]
  • “Nato Enlargement: Promoting Western Values, Strengthening The Alliance” by Frank Koszorus, Jr., April 29, 2003
    A Statement Before The United States Senate Committee On Foreign Relations.
  • "U.S. Senate Unanimously Ratifies Nato Treaty; Senators Raise Rights Of Minorities: Federation Supports Efforts Aimed At Encouraging Romania And Slovakia To Respect Rights Of Hungarian Minorities And Restore Communal Properties" - Press Release by Zoltan Bagdy, May 9, 2003 [download]

Congressional Resolutions and Records

  • H.RES 191 - A RESOLUTION urging the "prompt and fair restitution of church properties by Romania and Slovakia - TOM LANTOS / TOM TANCREDO (April 6th 2005) in the House of Representatives [download]
  • A RESOLUTION REGARDING THE ISSUE OF TRANSYLVANIAN HUNGARIANS -- HON. DONALD E. `BUZ' LUKENS (Extension of Remarks - February 26, 1990) in the House of Representatives [download]
  • VIOLENCE IN TRANSYLVANIA -- HON. DON RITTER (Extension of Remarks - March 22, 1990) in the House of Representatives [download]

Other Resources

  • An Essay on the foundations of Rumanian Identity, Nationalism and Ethnic Cleansing - CONCEPTUAL CONFUSIONS CONCERNING THE ROMANIAN IDENTITY: NEAM AND POPOR AS EXPRESSIONS OF ETHNO-NATIONALISM (PART 3) - "...the motivation and the goal was common: racially determined mass murder." (Appeared in RFE/RFL Newsline, 6/5/2005 By Victor Neumann, professor of history at the West University of Timisoara, Romania.) [download]

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