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Erie Pennsylvania's "Magyar Park"

"Magyar Park" relocation and renewal effort in Erie PA successful! The park, founded by AHF member Frank Juhasz, commemorating the 1956 revolution was moved to a larger area and refurbished in time for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution.UPDATE 9/22/2006 - "Magyar Park" relocation and renewal effort in Erie PA successful! The park, founded by AHF member Frank Juhasz, commemorating the 1956 revolution was moved to a larger area and refurbished in time for the 50th anniversary of the 1956 Hungarian Revolution. A note from park founder, v. Frank Juhasz: "Our Erie monument is beautiful however for the 50th anniversary we want to make sure it is pristine...we planted 10 evergreen shrubs by the property line to the edge of the river. I don't know if you are aware or not, but there was originally a river right where this monument stands today. There was no property on this corner. v. Frank Juhasz with Batizy Tass, a second generation Hungarian at Erie, PA's "Magyar Park"After almost one year of meetings and disussions with Penn-Dot (our state street department) I was able to convenicce them to change the coarse of the river so they could back fill one side of it, and create the property for this monument. On the first pictures is Batizy Tass and myself. He is a second generation Hungarian. The other person is John Porath who helped. He is not Hungarian, but donationed his time and work because he loves the Hungarians."

10/2/2004 - "Magyar Park" relocation effort in Erie PA making progress. The park, founded by AHF member Frank Juhasz, commemorating the 1956 revolution is being moved to a larger area and is schedule to be unveiled in time for the 48th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution on October 23rd 2004.

Frank Juhasz wanted to find a way to honor his fellow "Pesti Srácok" or the "Boys from Pest," another way to call a Freedom Fighter. We found a beautiful lot in Erie and designed the monument which featured the now famous Hungarian flag with the hole in the middle where the hate Soviet-imposed red star was resided. Juhasz said, "úgy érzem, ott vannak velem mindannyian... a pesti srácok... sokuk csak fentrol, az égbol néz rám... és én boldog vagyok, hogy itt, a világ másik részén is hirdethetem, hogy ok milyen nagyszeru emberek voltak!" [translation: "I feel they are all here with me, the boys from Pest, many from above, from the sky they watch me. And I am gladdened that here too, on the other side of the earth, I exclaimed just how great they were"] -
Bryan Dawson-Szilagyi

See the article in Hungarian on Panorama Magazine. [back to all AHF news] Support the American Hungarian Federation!

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