AHF eNews January 21st, 2004

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AHF Top Stories

Kasza and Bugar Sign Declaration1/11/2005 -
The Szabadka Initiative: AHF signs joint declaration
of the Szabadka Initiative by ethnic Hungarian political parties and human rights organizations from successor states in an appeal to the Hungarian Government for more coherent support, coordinated planning, and dual citizenship.

AHF was among the fifteen organizations from Europe, North America, and Latin America that met January 5-6, 2005 in Szabadka/Subotica (Vajdaság/Vojvodina, Serbia-Montenegro) to join forces in persuading the Government of the Republic of Hungary to coordinate with them its efforts to assist ethnic Hungarians living as national minorities in Romania, Slovakia, Serbia-Montenegro, Ukraine, Croatia, and Slovenia. [more] [see all AHF news]

1/10/2005 - AHF Members breaking ground on 1848 / 1956 Hungarian Memorial Monument in Lorain, Ohio. The cost is estimated at $30,000.00 and your help is needed! Donors who give $100.00 or more get their names inscribed in the stepping stones. Leave your mark and help us build this monument to Hungarian bravery and democracy. [more] [see all AHF news]

1/4/2005 - Hungarians have until September 2005 to formally request return of confiscated properties in Slovakia under the Benes Decrees. The 1945 Benes Decrees claimed collective World War II responsibility of Germans and Hungarians living in Czechoslovakia, and deprived them of their rights, their property and expelled many of them from the country.

The "Szabad Ujsag" weekly has published a list of those lands, which were taken away during the Benes programs. The original owners or their descendants may recover expropriated lands and properties if they can prove their ownership and relationships to the original owner. The validated documents have to be shown to the proper authorities. One catch is that it has to be proven before September 1 of 2005.
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Featured Link: Do you think you know something about famous Hungarians? Think again! See "Nobel Prize Winners and Famous Hungarians" on www.thehungarypage.com

Featured Member

Les Besser, Engineer: “Father of microwave computer-aided design" - Microwave Engineering

Les graduated from Kando Kalman technical school in 1954 only to escape to Canada after the 1956 revolution. At the University of Colorado he received the Pacesetter Award and was selected to be “The Outstanding Engineering Student." After gaining practical engineering experience at Hewlett Packard and Fairchild corporations, he authored COMPACT (Computerized Optimization of Microwave Passive and Active CircuiTs), the world’s first commercially successful microwave circuit optimization routine...
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AHF in the News

More Than Kosovo
Washington Post: Saturday, January 1, 2005; Page A22

Morton Abramowitz and Heather Hurlburt are right to urge strong U.S. involvement to help resolve the festering problem of Kosovo ["Where to Start With Europe," op-ed, Dec. 23]. They, however, do not go far enough. Any settlement of the situation in Serbia must include the province of Vojvodina.

Támogatás, érdekek, precedensek
Az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség képviseletében Purger Tibor vett részt a Határon Túli Magyar Szervezetek szabadkai fórumán (Support, Interests, and Precedents: AHF's Tibor Purger participates in the Subotica Forum of Hungarians Beyond the Borders)
Magyar Szó, Újvidék, 2005. január 20

A Határon Túli Magyar Szervezetek szabadkai fórumának nyugatról érkezett részvevoi, így az Amerikai Magyar Szövetség képviseloje is, megfigyeloi státusban vettek részt a tanácskozáson. Lapunk washingtoni tudósítója, Purger Tibor az AMSZ délvidéki és balkáni ügyekkel foglalkozó tanácsadójaként szólalt fel, elmondta, hogy az 1906-ban alakult szervezetet miért foglalkoztatja a kettos állampolgárság ügye:[more]

Other International News

Utah Gymnastics:
Complete Turnaround -
Onodi showing the talent that landed her at Utah

Lya Wodraska - The Salt Lake Tribune 1/21/2005

University of Utah gymnast Gabriella Onodi is the most improved gymnast on the team this year. Utah coach Greg Marsden and sophomore Gabi Onodi are sitting in Marsden's office, watching a tape of a gymnast neither had seen in a while, a gymnast performing elite moves with strength, confidence and crispness.
But this was no mystery gymnast. It was a tape on Onodi, clips that were impressive enough for Marsden to offer the Hungarian a coveted scholarship on his nationally ranked team. [more]

Emberjogi iroda nyílt Csíkszeredában (Human Rights Office Opens in Csikszereda, Transylvania buy Pro Europa League)
Erdely Ma and Magyar Rádió - Jan 21, 2005

Hargita megyében is panasszal lehet fordulni a PRO EUROPA Ligához emberi jogok megsértése miatt. A PRO EUROPA Liga marosvásárhelyi civil szervezet ugyanis 2004. folyamán 20 személy számára biztosított emberjogi és kisebbségjogi képzést. Ennek eredményeként és az Open Society Institute támogatásával 2005. [more]

6%-kal nott a Fidesz támogatottsága (Support for the Fidesz Party grew 6% - Fidesz now leads the ruling Socialist Party, MSZP, 46% - 35% according to polling by Medián)
Medián: HírTV - 2005. Jan. 20

A Medián felmérése szerint 6 százalékkal nott a Fidesz támogatottsága a biztos szavazók körében. Az ellenzéki párt így 11 százalékkal elozi meg az MSZP-t. A Fideszre 46 százalék, az MSZP-re pedig 35 százalék szavazna.
A közvélemény-kutatásból kiderül: sem az SZDSZ sem az MDF támogatottsága sem éri el a Parlamentbe jutáshoz szükséges arányt.

A népszeru politikusok listáját még mindig Dávid Ibolya MDF-elnök vezeti, ot követi Mádl Ferenc köztársasági elnök. Orbán Viktor, a Fidesz elnöke a 6., Gyurcsány Ferenc a 8. a mezonyben.

Slovak leaders declare "There is no place for Autonomy in Slovakia" for Hungarians
Erdely Ma - Jan 19, 2005

Elzárkóznak a kisebbségi autonómia minden lehetséges formájától Szlovákia legfobb közjogi méltóságai - derült ki hétfon Pozsonyban az államfo, a házelnök és a kormányfo találkozója után.[more in Hungarian]

Attila descendants want recognition
By Kate Connolly, NewsTelegraph (UK) in Berlin - 1/12/2005

More than 2,000 Hungarian descendants of Attila the Hun, once described as the "Scourge of God", are demanding official recognition as an ethnic minority. "As a member of the European Union, Hungary should not be suppressing a minority," said Joshua Imre Novak, the group's self-appointed leader. [more]

Hungarian industry soars in November
UPI, Budapest- Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Hungarian industrial output rose by 10.5 percent year-on-year in November, far above market expectations. [more]


RFE/RL Newsline - Vol. 9, No. 76, Part II, 12 January 2005

In his 10 January interview with Realitatea TV, President Basescu said his country's relations with Moldova are a "foreign policy priority," Mediafax and Revista Presei Online reported the next day. Basescu said Romanian foreign policy in the last 10 years has neglected Moldova and the importance of the Black Sea region. As a result, he said, Romania finds itself "out of the game" in the search for a solution to the Transdniester conflict, despite the fact that Moldova has a "large [ethnic] Romanian majority." He said he is ready to visit Chisinau and raise these issues with his Moldovan counterpart Vladimir Voronin. "Just as we granted the [ethnic] Hungarians all the rights, we are entitled to demand that all the rights of [ethnic] Romanians be respected, whether in the [Serbian] Timoc Valley or in the Moldovan Republic," Basescu said.

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